Whole Class Instrumental Teaching
Music/Singing Teaching at KS2
The Music & Arts Service will continue to support schools in giving every pupil access to music tuition as well as providing opportunities for continued development of their skills. The Hub will also support schools in providing vocal experiences with regular choir participation.
As a Service we are committed to making every child’s music matter in Bradford. Our services are packaged to provide all pupils with the opportunity for one year of whole class tuition and continuation. All of our service packages continue to be heavily subsidised and tailored to each school’s individual needs.
Special Requirements
Due to the complexity of timetabling a peripatetic service across the whole district, the more days and times which schools make available to the Service will result in fulfilling more requests for instrumental/vocal tuition. If however there are any specific days/times that your school cannot accommodate, please advise the Service on the booking form. Unless specified if you are renewing current provision please note the current day and time may alter.
Standard Service Provision
The Music Service will provide 30 sessions throughout the academic year to allow for staff sickness, training and events (please note any unforeseen staff absence may not be covered).
1 Form Entry Schools
- 30 sessions of an appropriate KS2 whole class scheme. 40 minutes X 1 session per week (one member of Music Service staff)
- 30 sessions of second year continuation. 30 minutes X 1 session per week (one member of Music Service staff)
- 1 full class set of instruments (if required/available)
2 Form Entry Schools
- 30 sessions of an appropriate KS2 whole class scheme. 40 minutes X 2 session per week (one member of Music Service staff)
- 30 sessions of second year continuation. 40 minutes X 1 session per week (one member of Music Service staff)
- 1 full class set of instruments (further class sets may be hired if required/available)
3 Form Entry Schools
- 30 sessions of an appropriate KS2 whole class scheme. 40 minutes X 3 session per week (one member of Music Service staff)
- 30 sessions of second year continuation. 40 minutes X 2 session per week (one member of Music Service staff)
- 1 full class set of instruments (further class sets may be hired if required/available)
Instruments as required for the KS2 whole class scheme (subject to availability):
- 15 instruments to support KS2 second year continuation at £6 + VAT per term per instrument with further instruments to support this free as required (subject to availability)
- Instruments available to support third/fourth year continuation at a cost of £6 + VAT per term per instrument
- Performance opportunities
- Live Music Concert
- Access to online learning and support via Charanga
KS2 whole class schemes work best with full support from schools, therefore, we ask that the information below is checked.
Schools participating in our KS2 scheme agree to:
- nominate and release a class teacher to participate in discussions prior to the project commencing
- ensure the same class teacher/teaching assistant is available to participate in the delivery of the lesson each week. This provides a CPD opportunity for this member of staff
- be committed to the scheme and encourage the children to participate fully
- order instruments prior to the term starting (during the summer term)
- provide appropriate storage for the instruments
- ensure any instruments provided by the school are suitable for the purpose of the scheme
- take responsibility for instruments provided by the Music Service. Optional insurance is available via the instrument supplier (Windstruments). A suggested instrumental hire form attached should you wish to allow children to take instruments home to practice
- provide class lists (UPN) for all pupils taking part in your KS2 scheme and year 2, 3 and 4 continuation as entered/shown on management information system
- offer third/fourth year continuation
Should recorders/keyboards be the required discipline then the school should purchase their own recorders/keyboards and an appropriate reduction will be made to the standard package cost.