Music Audits – Academic Year 2024-25

Music Education Hubs are tasked to visit schools and audit music provision in all schools on an annual basis to assess the provision of music across the local authority area.  Not only does this provide in an depth picture of provision and need, it has been valued by our schools for many years as acts as a supportive conversation for music leader who are often isolated in leading their subject.

From September 2024, Bradford Music & Arts Service is the Lead Organisation for the West Yorkshire Music Hub and representative of the Music Hub within the Bradford District.

The requirements for schools from the National Plan for Music Education for 2024-25 are reflected in our Self-Evaluation Audit Tool both reflects the content of this and provides an informative means for schools to develop their Music Development Plans which are a requirement of all schools to publish on their websites from September 2024.

The New National Plan for Music Education can be found at The power of music to change lives – A National Plan for Music Education (

2024 – 25 Primary Self Evaluation Audit Tool

2024 – 25 Secondary Self Evaluation Audit Tool

2024-25- Music Audit Letter

Music Auditors working with the Bradford Music & Arts Service are:

  • Carl White – Head of Music & Arts Service
  • Felicity French – Assistant Head of Music & Arts Service
  • Fiona Park – Assistant Head for Music & Arts Service
  • Helen Borg – Assistant Head for Music & Arts Service
  • Tony Johnson – Auditor for Music & Arts Service

NB: please ensure you click the correct link i.e. primary / secondary.  SEND settings should select the audit appropriate to the age of the children accessing their provision.  Previous audit formats will not be accepted.